LivingDNA is a smaller testing company than or 23AndMe. Their analysis is primarily focused on ancestral groups in the British Isles. If your ethnic mix is mostly English or “Scotch Irish”, LivingDNA can map your genetic signature to specific regions in the area now known as the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
Category: DNA
AncestryDNA vs FamilyTreeDNA MyOrigins
I compared atDNA tests from both AncestryDNA and FamilyTreeDNA MyOrigins. The results were very close.
X/Y Inheritance and mtDNA
Human DNA is composed of 23 pairs of chromosomes. Chromosomes 1 – 22 are autosomes. These chromosomes are not differentiated by sex. Half of your DNA is inherited from your father and half from your mother. The autosomal DNA which comes from your father has the same number of genes as the DNA half which is […]